Lost Myself | Teen Ink

Lost Myself

August 29, 2008
By Anonymous

I sit in the dark
As tears stream down my face
Wishing things would be what they used to
Finally i fall asleep.

When i wake up the next day
I feel like I'm living a dream
It's not my life
It's not my style.

The people don't belong
The routine isn't right
I've lost the most important things
I've ruined everything.

But i can't get out
I don't know how
And when you offer guidance i turn you down
I feel like i dont belong anymore.

You deserve better
You deserve a friend who doesn't bring you down
Someone you can lean on
But at the moment i'm not the one.

I can't help you stand
When i can barely stand myself
It kills me inside
To know i'm hurting you
But i don't know what else to do.

You'd be better without me
Things would be easier
But for some reason you stick by my side
You help me hold on.

I'm sorry i'm putting you through this
I'm sorry i'm not stronger
I'm sorry i dissapoint
And i'm sorry i lost my fight.

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