Revenge Agaisnt Myself | Teen Ink

Revenge Agaisnt Myself

August 29, 2008
By Anonymous

I look into the mirror and see a faded reflection
And yellow paint used to cover up my light completion
But the sun stopped being timid and turned in my direction
Leaving tan marks above my elbows creating a whole new section,
Of life in my vision
Eyes that couldn't see clearly
Because sand left its ragged fragments behind
Blocking depth in my sight
And holes in my night sky
Its was my adolescents that was fading
No innocence remaining to the naked eye
Worlds apart now,
But nothing could defy the reason for our demise
Just dignify me with a reason…
For our drifting
Us sifting through photo boxes,
Yet never reminiscing
You have no conclusion
Pure life?
A mere illusion…signifying our differences
Now lies build up in our sentences
Though paragraphs are phrased grammatically correct
For boys ears
Sweet nothings
Seeming to be all you wanna hear
But I'm supposed to be your glass jar
Holding your continents
But now were spread apart
Still separate,
But equal
Unable to produce a sequel to our last book
A new page turned,
A new chapter shook,
I'm praying that our "childhood" was all it took
But I cant even decipher your ingredients anymore
You were stirred too many times
And spilled upon the floor
Soaking into socks like they were sponges
Realizing the purity of you
The tongue automatically indulges…
Taking all that's left of you
Colored life,
Fades to black and blue
Wishing that's our days weren't so numbered and few
But sadly,
I peer into a looking glass
Gazing at my future…

Without you

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