In the Present | Teen Ink

In the Present

September 13, 2008
By Katherine Zaslavsky BRONZE, Endwell, New York
Katherine Zaslavsky BRONZE, Endwell, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I will walk away from the sun of my sky
If it heralds summer again,
Or release my soul to find its own
And capture it under my pen.
I will seek the words of someone's past;
With them, find what is to be
And ride the phrase as an ocean wave
To bring me out to sea.
I'll scribble out the mysteries
That puzzled me so long.
I'll find the answers on my page
In sequence of a song
And single out the turn-abouts
To rival what came last.
I will predict the future
In the words of someone's past.

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