Good-bye My Friend | Teen Ink

Good-bye My Friend

September 13, 2008
By Anonymous

Thinking about you makes me sad,
To remember all the fun days we've had,
Look in the mirror and see how much you've changed,
Since then my life has been rearranged,
Our friendship is withering like a separating rope,
Looking at you causes me to loose hope.

There was a time when you listened to me,
Now the only one you listen to is she,
I miss those days when my heart would beat faster and faster,
When to slow it down was hard to master,
You smile at me with sadness in your eyes,
It hurts so much; I'd rather gaze at the skies.

I could care less nowadays,
I can feel all the painful heat from the sun's many rays,
So I shall finally let you go,
One of the hardest things to do; you should know,
Good-bye; I'll fly away like a long lost dove,
To never again see the man I used to love.

The author's comments:
This is about the first friend I made when i moved to PA. in 2000. He's like a brother to me and always makes me smile. He had many girl friends; and soon he became an entirely different person.I wrote this poem right next to him in about 5 minutes on the bus. Anyone who read this but he knew, when they read it, that it was him. And that's what hurt the most.

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