A Seasonal Friendship | Teen Ink

A Seasonal Friendship

September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I met you in the spring.
It was rainy and the weather was iffy.
We didn’t know if it was going to be warm
And welcoming or
Gloomy and drizzly.
We were always on edge.

Our friendship grew in the summer.
We were warm and welcoming.
In the time were everything was happy.
We always wanted to be together.
Those are the days I remember best.

Then it came time for fall.
The times when it was just starting to get cold, again.
It wasn’t warm but it wasn’t cold.
The leaves were just starting to change.
They changed from happy and vibrant to
dark and breakable.
We were easily blown away from each other
Just like the leaves.

Finally it came time for winter.
It was a dark and dreary period.
Everything was cold
We couldn’t make anything warm,
shivering away from iciness of our friendship.

Our friendship will always fallow the seasons.

The author's comments:
um this happen with me and my best friend. As it says in the poem its kind of cold and iffy right now so i decided to write a poem about it

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