I am | Teen Ink

I am

September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I am The Bike.
I am the wiz that rushes by.
I am the jump under your feet.
I am the landing on the other side of the creek.

I am the one who moves within in the wind.
I am the handle bars in your hand.
I am the track on the soft sand.
I am the gas that spins the wheel.
I am the frame that's made of steel.

I am the floating man in the in the air.
Ouch I wrecked do you have a spare?
I am the boots on the pegs.
I am thankful I did not break my legs.

I am the one who buys all the oil.
I am the one who does not spoil.
I am a two stroke engine.
I am between three men.
Who will finish first.
I will because I still have a burst.

Now the race is over.
I am glad I had the four leaf clover.

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