Mr. Olsen's Short Autobiography | Teen Ink

Mr. Olsen's Short Autobiography

September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I am from a bowl of cereal a morning,
from my Playstation I played with every night,
and from a family, whose views were impressed upon me from a young age.

I am from an active lifestyle,
which kept me healthy and strong.
From conquered miles on my road and mountain bikes,
to bunny hopping on my trick bike.

I am from mountains of golden popcorn and Capri-Suns,
from Harry Potter and Gollum,
from sayings such as, "Your Mom."

I am from hundreds of fluorescent Poke-Mon cards
from hours of page turning,
and "B's and C's are unacceptable."

I am from a loving family,
from a huge family,
and a torn family.
But I will always know that,
I am from a loving family.

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