Days... | Teen Ink


September 10, 2008
By Anonymous

On a good day...
You feel beautiful,
You want to be invincible,
You have emotions wash through your head,
And you don't have to worry about a thing.

On a good day...
You feel confident,
You want to be outrageous,
You have lots of friends,
And you don't have any problems to conquer.

On a good day...
You feel ecstatic,
You want to be noticed by everyone,
You have the courage to do whatever,
And you don't have responsibilities to live out.

On a good day...
You feel happy,
You want what's right,
You have the confidence you never had,
And you don't have issues to work out.

On a good day...
You feel lovable,
You want everyone to feel good,
You have buckets of joy,
And you don't have to live up to expectations.

On a good day...
You feel triumphant,
You want the freedom of the wind,
You have the support of the universe,
And you don't have enemies to avoid.

On a bad day...
You feel exasperated,
You want to stay in the shadows,
You have the want to be alone,
And you don't have desire to strive.

On a bad day...
You feel alone,
You want to just stay inside,
You have to think about everything,
And you don't have longing to talk.

The author's comments:
In my poem I asked my loved ones what a good/bad day was like to them, so this is dedicated to all my friends and family, and is based on other lives.

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