There You Are | Teen Ink

There You Are

September 8, 2008
By Anonymous

You pop up as a little box at the edge of my computer screen
My heart skips a beat
There you are.
At this exact moment
I know for a fact, where you are
You are sitting infront of the computer screen
Are you talking to her?
I like to pretend your not
I'd also like to pretend that you want to talk to me, but like me
You're too scared
But I know that's not true
I also know that once, we may have had something
We shared common interests, and goals with each other
We shared drinks at parks, seats on buses, picnic tables, and gum
I sang for you, drew pictures for you, and I would do anything for you
We talked about music, music theory, what we like, what we don't, who we don't, politics, meaning of life, books, pokemon, and what inspires us
We smiled, we frowned, we laughed, I cried, we joked, and snickered
But now you're just a name on my computer screen

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