Rippling Rivers | Teen Ink

Rippling Rivers

September 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Heartbreak and sorrow just like rocks
and stones
Disturb the peace in my calm and
quiet river
You throw a rock in the river
Just like trials thrown in my life
You throw rocks and stones in the
river to see what it does
And then here comes the rain to add
on to the disturbance
Can't be calm and content for too
long before the trials,the rocks,
the stones, and the rain come
Every time you throw a stone, I'm
guaranteed to move
Guaranteed to ripple and run
Guaranteed to let tears come running
But not this time
I refuse to move
Refuse to shake, refuse to ripple down
and run
Not this time, not at all
I refuse to let Rippling Rivers come
running down my face!

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