My Soul is Yours | Teen Ink

My Soul is Yours

September 5, 2008
By Anonymous

People say that you are human
but I feel that you are angelic
You should rise above them all
You should be treated as a living relic
I feel you are the sun that shone
over my life at the time of dawn
even if you are trying to be cold and treat me as if i'm unknown
My soul is yours
wherever it goes
even if you don't want to feel it
because you are the one to whom it bows for freedom; it needs you to heal it
I feel You are the only star
that every day comes nearer and nearer
every time it leaves a scar
that becomes deeper and deeper
and I feel you are the beautiful Rose
which gave my heart the light
without you how nobody knows
could it have been so bright In beauty you may have many foes
and that may be right
but you only make my heart pause
of you only i think every night
you are the one whom my heart calls
and the one that can make my write
all that i feel in the form of words
that can reach a loving heart at its site
My soul is yours wherever it goes
even if you don't want to feel it
because you are the one to whom it bows for freedom; it needs you to heal it

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