In Loving Memory | Teen Ink

In Loving Memory

September 3, 2008
By Anonymous

The music plays and we dance
from grave to grave
watching the past
on the silver screens of our coffin doors.

Her name was Alejandra;
and I'll never forget the way
we looked at each other,
or how she sputtered my name.

The view from the first dive, clouds
speeding to meet me,
the rush and relief of
the parachute,
releasing my wings.

A mind composed of shattered glass;
peeling away my eyelids
to reveal the mocking white tile
that showed me everything
that I am not.

Michael painted my world in vibrant technicolor
before the world got to him,
before he took the dream for himself forever and I,
I began infinity without inspiration.

Every black granite gravestone was etched
with flickering cinema.
While melody paraded on,
we remembered everything:
each other,
our lives,
our loves,
what we lost.

Until the final notes dwindle and
we soak up all of our darkness.
The musty, damp Earth
is calling our names.

our souls to rest while
our thoughts flutter
their final farewell.

The author's comments:
I hope that this inspires a more carpe diem lifestyle. I want everyone to live and love; and never be afraid to be themselves.

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