You don't even know | Teen Ink

You don't even know

September 2, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm tired of them bitching
they don't even know
fact is you don't either
you weren't there
you also thought I didn't know
all those times I sat there alone
you never even saw me
my first day of school
my triumphant walk at graduation
you don't even know how you burned me
all those memories I should forget
engraved in my mind the day they took me away
you fell on your knees and noticed your disease
you plagued yourself and everyone around you
you got better and we came back
but I was no fool, i didn't unpack
i was prepared, ready for what came next
i knew everything was wrong and so did you
but you didn't even know what to do
four of us one of you
finally when times got tough and you were through
we didn't know what to think of you
i stood there watching you
get high, babble, and act a fool
i was angry, i admit sometimes i cried.
all those days we thought you were gonna die
thank god you're even alive
I am always here for you but you must understand
I can't watch you die and bury yourself in the ground
this isn't good bye, merely a hello.
one day you will realize some words mean nothing at all.
you don't even know.
you don't know
you do not even know
you do not know
nor will you ever
that no matter what
even if you don't know
i love you

The author's comments:
This is about my life growing up. It seemed if I was growing up by myself raising myself and my mother. I was sent to many foster homes and then I was adopted by a wonderful woman. No matter what I know my real mother tried but drugs just took her away and I will always love her.

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