Sitting, Sewing | Teen Ink

Sitting, Sewing

September 1, 2008
By Anonymous

If you peer into the glass
With eyes of simplicity,
You may find
A swirl of endless commotion.
All the colors of the world
Unseen, only a constant
Churning of silver fluids
A whirlpool of chaotic emotions.
Clear your eyes of hazy distractions,
Look deep into the bottle of
Enthusiastic dedication.
You will find your mind
Walking upon a different path,
Etched in the sand
By a caring person.
- Learning with its
Blossoms of sunlight
Will awake -
Walking along in the brightness
Are other youthful minds,
All eager for the teachings of another day.
The colors are seen,
Vibrant and dazzling
Flowing from two warm hands.
Sitting, teaching
Sewing the world
Into a classroom.

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