A Day Before a Month Away | Teen Ink

A Day Before a Month Away

September 1, 2008
By Anonymous

In my corner I sit and cry-
All the yelling makes me wanna fly,
to worlds unknown-
Higher than anyone has ever flown.
Death would be the easy way out-
I just can't take that route.
I feel so alone, just so cold.
Numb, all I want is blood,
but that would be dumb.
On the day before, a month away,
from my last big flood.
But to cause another would make me flutter.
Maybe once... NO YOU DUNCE!!! Not even once.
One then two... just a few.
You know the drill, you just can't get your fill.
So just stop and chill,
Pray and say,
"Lord please take this pain away and help me make it through today."

The author's comments:
This poem shows a struggle of a teen girl and the challenge of quitting cutting. She reached out and someone grabbed ahold of her to help her make it through. This girl Im talking about could be you, you can make it too.

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