Beauty, and the Suitor in Black | Teen Ink

Beauty, and the Suitor in Black

August 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Don't just dance, but breathe in the rhythm so that your heart can synchronize with the tell told story of beauty and the suitor dressed in black.

It began with a tipping hat,
Grinning eyes and a golden smile.
Ribbon tied tightly in a thoughtless knot,
I did what I could.
And what I could the suitor in Black Caught.

It was more of a floor aflame,
It was more of a hallucination, a dreaming mist.
It was a shade of violet on lips,
It was a blotch on Beauty's list.

I watched it come out of a cage,
Its one true race against time.
A butterfly with Death's Wings,
A bouquet of passionately spiteful rings.

What hid was a ruby mask,
What did was the mind behind.
Why? The question of the night,
To die, the Ruby Mask's answered blight.

The suit proved difficult,
With logic as black as the ocean's raven feathered floor.

We shed nothing over poisoned tea,
And then left through the same mirrored door.

Nothing is still something,
A broomstick did once muse,
A bucket of water spilled after all,
And only the mop couldnt choose.

The Ruby Mask flashed a smile and began to speak-

To dine is mine,
So one does see.
Belief is something,
As a shadow can be.
The lust of the angel was sickening,
Wings were broken under hail.
My edges still hold beauty,
Black had hugged the suitor ever pale.

It didn't help when the key proved traitorous,
And the stars decided to leave me betrayed.
So I waited for Death's final card to be played.

A hand,
The end.
The silence,
The cold demand,
Of an ancient friend.

Not a sound, nor whisper,
Not even from the ballroom's ground.
I watched behind icy bars,
Behind a dusty coat rack,
The dance of dances,

Beauty and the Suitor Dressed in Black.

The author's comments:
I despise the execrate pride and the indecent delights of that extinguishing irony which disjoints the precision of our thoughts~ Lautreamont, Poesies
I am who I am

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