One Man's Claim on Insanity... | Teen Ink

One Man's Claim on Insanity...

September 4, 2008
By Anonymous

“One man’s claim on insanity..
Is another man’s norm and reality..”
One who is suppressed by laws and conformity..
Could one day rebel with angelic thoughts spoken heavenly..
To live free is true definition of a breathing entity..
So he strives to live positive what his society would call blasphemy..
For a world free of mental barricades he awaits patiently..
Writing every chance he gets for the opportunity to live comfortably ..
For it is he who holds the key to such a revolution..

Think not only outside, but as if such “box” could no longer exist..
Such ideas could never die they shall live on and forever persist..
Flowed from tongue to tongue like they cant find something more potent than this..
They fear what free words are capable of..
We could come together and strategize a real movement..
Think more as inventors and not just a confined student..
But teacher, open minded writer or preacher..
It’s amazing what today’s youth has to offer..
Surrounded by so much..
Accredited with so little..
What rolls the future has in stored for us..

It’s amazing and I don’t think their history is ready..

The author's comments:
its our turn..

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This article has 1 comment.

alex said...
on Sep. 6 2008 at 6:15 am
very good it touched me