The Doll on Bottom Self | Teen Ink

The Doll on Bottom Self

August 23, 2008
By Anonymous

Doll on the bottom self
One day I saw a doll on the bottom self in the toy store
Dust was over her porcelain face, her clothes is nothing but rags
Her hair is shabby, and her eyes are dull, she’s nothing but plain
Here she is, waiting for someone to see her, at least recognize her existence
But why is it I notice you? Why am I the only one that can you, but to other you’re like a ghost?
It is because you and I are alike?
Is it a possible that a doll can feel pain or understands loneliness?
It is because I see you on the bottom shelve while the other toys are on the top shelf
Shining like newly waxed shoes,
Are they looking down at you, and mocking you?
Because you been waiting patience for years, for someone to come near you or even to give you the slightest touch
If you could talk or feel any emotion, would wail like a needy child wanting your mother‘s attention or scream out your pain,
Does your pain feel like my pain, does it hit you fast like a speeding bullet or a bolt of lightening?
Is it so memorable that you can’t forget it?
Is it dug in so deep that the damage can’t be undone?
If you could cry would you let anyone see your tears?
Or would you hide it like a child beneath a blanket?
Like your plastic face and body is it durable enough to conceal it all?
Would you let it conceal it for years, until you explode like a volcano?
If you were a human, could you and I become the best of friend?
Because we can understands each other so easily?
Or were we possibly destined to meet?
Now I see you, I can walks into the store and
Buy you
Because even if you are a doll that
Been in the dark for so long
Someone will have to show you
That you can be loved no matter

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