Don't run, face the terrors | Teen Ink

Don't run, face the terrors

March 15, 2013
By Julianne O&#39Kane BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Julianne O&#39Kane BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t run, face the terrors
Life is about good and evil
Don’t fall yet.
Old problems fade leaving remains of new ones forming
A cycle life makes
Reliving old experiences like it’s deja vu
Appear in resemblance
In different forms.
We should realize
The unending cycle of problems life has given
From birth to death
Live on
We have
To accept that this
Is just life.
What is to gain?
By escaping the issues
Try to run away
It will wait, waiting to grab a grip
On you.
The grip is unbearably tight, it will never let
Go until you
Fight it
Off, try your best.
Life moves on,
The problems don’t.
You, are the
Only one who
Has the key
To your mind
Are the only one
That can face the eye
Your own issues.
Remember as I say, face problems
They will wait to catch you.

Julianne O’Kane

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem to try to give advice and help others that struggle with facing their problems or do not know how to. I wrote it from my point of view and how I felt as I realized you have to face your issues sooner or later.

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