Someday | Teen Ink


August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

You ever feel like you lost yourself.
Welcome to my life.
When those knives kept digging deeper into your back
did you tell yourself that you knew for a fact that whatever happened was in the past?
See I didn't.
I just pushed it really far away.
I said I'd deal with it someday.
And I thought when someday came.. that it wouldn't matter.
But, how wrong I was.
Someday came faster than I thought.
Before I was ready even
Where do I begin..
I lost my temper.
I took out all my anger.
I took it out on you
..even though you caused most of my bottled hate.
This is true.
I didn't intentionally mean to.
I know I hurt you with my words.
My timing was off, way off.
I thought about everything that'd happened
and I became distracted.
I didn't realize that now wasn't the time.
I chose to hid away my pain like what happened was some sort of game.
A game that I'd attempt later to master.
I don't know what happened to me.
I never used to be mean to people.
I feel torn right now.
I can't take back anything
no matter how hard I try, all the fixing we tried.
I can't fix all the hurt that we brought to eachother.
I finally showed my weakness.
All my bottled hurt.
I should've learned not to do that.
You're supposed to tell how you feel, not hide it away.
Someday...should be today.
The day you find out, the day you learn to cope with it.
Someday.. man what a day that was.

The author's comments:
I love poetry. Some of my best poems are from real experiences that I've had. Or sometimes what I've seen happen to people. My dream to become a poet and publish all my work into a book. I want to touch other people's lives and let them be able to relate to my work. Well guess we'll see someday :)

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