A Woman Worth Waiting For | Teen Ink

A Woman Worth Waiting For

August 21, 2008
By Matthew Hill SILVER, Prior Lake, Minnesota
Matthew Hill SILVER, Prior Lake, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With beauty and grace, she’s saving face
Waiting for a perfect occasion-
Waiting to show her sensuous glow
Bringing noxiously novel sensation

She’ll warm the room, and the men will swoon
Like mindless flies to light
Her charismatic charm bringing them harm
When they’re drawn only by the superficial sight

A sweeping smile that stretches for miles
As endless and embracing as the sea
Possessing a wit that’s full and fit
Varied, deep, and layered as can be

She’s always sweet; I’m swept off my feet
With her laugh so sincere and fine
In company she’s never two-sided, always decided
But in opposing opinions no devious designs

She likes to dance with a small quaint prance
Elegantly gliding ‘cross the floor
Heads turning, the experienced learning
She’s mesmerizing and never a bore

She’s known by all in this busy ball
But only a handful truly know her
Poised and polite, a conversationalist’s delight
Many are swayed to concur

Loyal and wise, a heart deep as the skies
She’ll stop at nothing for those she loves
Devoted and true, never selfishly skewed
A soul as light as a dove

As she strolls over to me, I’m giddy with glee
For a deeper bond beneath us lies
A quick kiss on the cheek, loving but meek
We’re viewed by envious eyes.

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