The Meaning Of Life | Teen Ink

The Meaning Of Life

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I ask you
What is the meaning of life?
To deal with people you don’t like?
Is it to wonder why were here?
That’s what you may think,
that’s what you may say.
Is it to think,
Think of our future days.
You and I will never know.
We can all think,
And we all dream.
Movies show adventure and light,
And some of pure delight.
Is it to waste our time in our hour glass?
Maybe its to be prepared.
Is it to enjoy our lives??
Is it to waste our time in our hour glass?
Do we need an education if that is true?
Truthful to you it might be,
But that’s not the case for me,
Life is full of pain,
But its also happiness and joy,
Like a little kid with a new toy.
Is it to learn a mathematical equation?
Is it to be prepared for the next disaster?
No I think its not.
Everyone has an opinion,
I may think theres is funny,
But you may think that about mine,
And to me that’s just fine.
You can wander by yourself,
I say its to experience it.
What do you think the meaning of life is?

The author's comments:
This piece of poetry was writen when I finished a book called "the Meaning Of Life over my 7th grade school year.

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