Japan headset(ro-bo nation) | Teen Ink

Japan headset(ro-bo nation)

August 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Mind frames that expand to milky ways which keep safe unknown life;
Eyes forever seeing the future instead of just the present;
Almost like jumping in with your eyes close.

Turn up the volume...

Return the green pastures that covered the earth once and could warm these cold buildings;
Things are rather just too complex even when man-kind itself is in a rant;
But right now only music fills my head.

Simple not so complex...

Let your soul hug every note instead of war confused hate;
Let your actions be of free will instead of Tv "know-it-alls";
Walk to your own beat.

Mr Japan holy man.

The author's comments:
Well if this poem was confusing for you i'll help you out^^' What it is saying here is how we should all chage our tune in life and became family then foe.

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