Tear Stained Eyes | Teen Ink

Tear Stained Eyes

August 28, 2008
By cuti26 PLATINUM, Burton, Michigan
cuti26 PLATINUM, Burton, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stir it up just to watch it fall back down again
Pushed back down because of where you’ve been
Noticing even after all this time
That you’re still balancing on the tip of a knife
There has got to be more to this life
But I’ll make it through one more day
Lost in an empty door way
I’ll make it through all these lies
And heart broken good byes
With these tear stained eyes
I’ll climb that never ending stair case
Even when knowing I was meant to be pushed back down in the first place
And I’ll hold on to all I have left
Because I can’t stay down
When I have something to stand for
And I can’t frown
When I have something that means so much more
But I’ll make it through one more day
Lost in an empty door way
I’ll make it through all these lies
And heart broken good byes
With these tear stained eyes
Find out what really matters
Find something to live for
Learn from the things hidden deep in your core
And know what you can handle and face
So you won’t be pushed back down in the first place
Because there has got to be so much more to life
Then balancing on the tip of a knife
We were all meant to fall anyways
So we won’t have to always
make it through one more day
Lost in an empty door way
I’ll make it through all these lies
And heart broken good byes
With these tear stained eyes

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This article has 4 comments.

megansmama said...
on Apr. 15 2009 at 3:17 pm
When I read this poem from my daughter I was overwhelmed with love and pride in the person she's becoming. She is a truley amazing daughter that is resiliant no matter how difficult life has been to her, and cares about treating people good not critizing others to be popular with schoolmates. Our blessing to have her as our daughter is immeasurable and our pride is unlimited. She will make a mark on this world just because of who she is already, and we as her parents will help not dictate or critize. She'll make her own way. All will see someday. Thank you and God Bless

BlondeNinja said...
on Sep. 1 2008 at 7:54 pm
I thought it was a glorious piece of art an deserved to be on this site an be appreciated. Beauty lies within the message provided by the poem

Damon said...
on Aug. 31 2008 at 9:13 pm
Best Poem I've ever seen! GREAT work Megan!!!

Shorti345 said...
on Aug. 30 2008 at 9:17 pm
ohh i read this and i was like "wahh, someone i know is like FAMOUS, and for a good reason! this poem is, amazing."