Once upon a time... | Teen Ink

Once upon a time...

August 28, 2008
By Kacey Tramonte BRONZE, Pearl River, Louisiana
Kacey Tramonte BRONZE, Pearl River, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Let me tell you a story
Something you may not know
I spent three years as a shy girl
Practically invisible to everyone
(with an exceptions to a few and that includes you)
Back then we'd talk and joke (yeah i had a crush on you)
Couldn't find the words to let you know the truth
Then i left and changed now i'm not quite the same
Never thought i'd get the chance to let you know
but after all these years i found you again
couldn't believe it was true
i'd get my second chance who knew
so i'd sit and wait for the moments when you were able to talk
it would start with a hi or hey
and turn to flashbacks of jr high
you hadn't changed to much (still cute and funny and great to talk to for sure)
what i'd always liked
days and days just went by and a familiar feeling fluttered my insides
at first it was strange cuz i was caught off guard
i know its not easy to understand
but i couldn't help but like you again
So i set it in my mind i wouldn't make the same mistake twice
i'd tell you the truth this time
i didn't want you to slip away
the words are so simple so easy to say
I like you now just like i did back then
and now you know and i'm not ashamed
i kind of feel like a princess who thinks she's found her prince
except this is reality and happy endings don't exist.

The author's comments:
you never know how much something matters untill its gone. so don't sit back and wait take every first chance you get.

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