Dwelling Over You | Teen Ink

Dwelling Over You

August 28, 2008
By Anonymous

so crisp, so clear
are the words thou said
still heard, still remembered
are eternal? sounds

my habit-an addiction
that I willingly relapse into
I let myself fall
to the words thou whispered
expectations are simple
Where is the exuberance?
Oh, that first high
I can never recapture

my head is spinning
the moment has passed
in dark woods
I search for your words-my fire
the smothering flames in my eyes
last only for a second
re-lighting the spark?
success that will come and go;
success that will soon only go

I can't survive alone
in gloomy forests
light is guidance
path to open fields
is unattained
numbness surfaces
hope hardens
a wanderer I'll be
in dark woods
without my flame

stubbornness drives my denial-
my hope
a re-born flame
I sought for its longer life
for it to prove its the lasting one
be true to my eyes, I ask
as your words I wish
were to my ear

when will it be,
that thou will be of reality,

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