Sailing on the Love Boat. | Teen Ink

Sailing on the Love Boat.

August 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Ships crashing on the thruway
lights streaming through my wall
aliens attacking
giving Ghost Busters a call
sweet symphony
a lovely paradise
your eyes gleaming
you look so nice
why does life have to be so difficult?
you make it hard for me to even breathe.
Despite the swarm of butterflies in my stomach
I am determined not to leave
because you need me
and our attraction is so strong
tougher than magnet energy
we can't go wrong.
Or can we?

You make me shiver like an earth quakes going by.
The smell of you
brings your face to my mind
and I revel in the memories
which make me want to cry.
These words are a well kept collection
and if you listen closely
you might hear the spelling
of confusion.


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