Poem for Black History Month | Teen Ink

Poem for Black History Month

April 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Seperation from the full circle,
Cuts and bruises turning purple,
On a ship sailing far away,
How they felt they could not say.

Sold on the Black Market for what they were worth,
Nothing of them was recorded not even their birth,
Why those people were treated this way,
How they felt they could not say.

People brought upon them hate,
Feeling the need to discriminate,
Why those people were treated this way,
How they felt they could not say.

Families were split like cotton from its seed,
Doing this work made their hands bleed,
Why those people were treated this way,
How they felt they could not say.

Slaving out on the fields,
Against their masters they had no shields,
Why those people were treated this way,
How they felt they could not say.

Because they were different they were divided,
Segregation was then decided,
Why those people were treated this way,
How they felt they could not say.

Any crime that happened they were first acused,
Thought of as liars they were abused,
Why those people were treated this way,
How they felt they could not say.

Some stood up like the son of Martin Luther King,
After him and others more would come to sing,
Even though those people were treated in a dreadful way,
I am glad they are here today.

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