True Friends | Teen Ink

True Friends

April 24, 2008
By Anonymous

What will they say?
Will they find out?
The ones that aren’t my friend and the ones that are
Are they still me friends?

They will wonder where I was.
If I tell them will they understand?
If they are true friends it should not matter
What will the others think?

They will think I am crazy
They will tell me I am a nut
They will tell me, I should have stayed there
What will they do?

They will give me dirty looks
Pick on me ever worse
They will spread roamers to turn ever one against me
What does it matter?

If they are my friends they will understand
They would not think less of me
If they do those things than they are not my friends
Only my true friends will really care. Right?

They will hug me and say that it is ok
They will still walk home with me and not be ashamed
They will stick up for me
But what if they don’t

If they laugh what do I do?
Do I say they are not my friends?
Do I take it to heart and be depressed?
What do I do?

It’s simple really
If they do not understand why I was there
If they pick like the rest of the world
Then they are not my true friends

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