Begging To Burn | Teen Ink

Begging To Burn

August 20, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm terrified of living
when every image is wrong

When all future films
are filled with the same repeated song

Filled with doubt
and who am I?

How do you live
under the thundering sky?

More clouds roll in
under the weight I collapse

With veins so hollow
like an alcoholic's relapse

What's behind the face?
The voice you all know?

I tremble behind the past,
behind the walls, do they show?

Like an infant
I'm helpless and lost

I welcomed all the lies
and now I pay the cost

A hollow body,
a plastic shell

A doll to the eyes,
touches burn like hell

All perceptions
based on false pretense

I'm fading in the fog
I've lost all my sense

I don't know who I am
or where to turn

I'm stuck in a dead forest
that's begging to burn

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