confusion... | Teen Ink


August 19, 2008
By Anonymous

My mind shifts
Thoughts twisting and turning,
Convulsing and inverting
Moving and changing so fast you can't recall what they were or what they are

This confusion
It darkens, encloses, enraptures
These thoughts
They pale, dissipate, dissapear

The light vanishes, the last thoughts are gone
Confusion is all that remains
It wraps around your mind tightly like a blanket on a cold winters night
Until its snugness tightens and tightens until its like a bag covering your head and you are lost, smothering in it.

Your thoughts are chocked out of you
Your strength dissolves
Your desire releases its last breath
And inside you remains...


Confusion: the darkest night that shall never cease, that shall encompass all that remains of the dark abyss you call your mind.

The author's comments:
Hey, this isn't the first thing I've written, nor will it be the last but this is the first time I'm actually asking for the review. I'm asking you to tear it down or raise it up. Either way I want to know and I want to learn. I won't be offended and I'm eager to hear what you have to say.

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