A Little Bit | Teen Ink

A Little Bit

August 19, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm a little bit sad
and a little bit proud
a little bit happy
and a little bit worried
I'm going to live my life
just a little bit unhurried
and completely undeterred
fly like a bird, into the air
into the dream filled, night sky
grow, go high and higher and highest
can any of us though, really live that unbiased?
I want a little bit more, but need a little bit less
I'm lying and crying and hurting and breathing
all to live in peace, to keep my heart beating
repeating repeating, mistake after god awful mistake
how many mistakes can one good heart make?
A little mistake and someone dies
a little bit of a slip up and a child cries
She's only a little bit off course,
but that little bit will change her life
And all these little bits are all to rife
I'm a little bit scared of this worlds choices
and a little bit frightened for the masses voices.

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