Guitar Melodies | Teen Ink

Guitar Melodies

August 19, 2008
By Anonymous

My notes float softly
Rain complements melodies
The air is mellow

Rain falls swiftly down
My calming music sings now
The match is perfect

My fingers are bruised
But I'm still hoping for more
More tranquility

Music offers peace
Can I reach out and grasp it?
Rain pushes me on

As the music fades
I have reached my nirvana
It is all perfect

My eyes close slowly
My fingers keep playing on
It sings me asleep

Dreaming of a world
Where the arts can be cherished
Music, dancing, love

Slowly I awake
My guitar is by my side
Sheets of music lie

I begin go play
Rain, still falling, is my beat
The notes keep coming

Chords sing around me
I fall in a sea of song
I'll do this all night

The author's comments:
This haiku was written about how I pushed all my thoughts of close friends that had moved away from my mind by listening to the steady rain falling and the soothing sound of my guitar.

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