The redicule of a shy boy | Teen Ink

The redicule of a shy boy

August 19, 2008
By LethargicZE BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
LethargicZE BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Speak without anger or spite without any artificiality or formality straight from the heart.then you will be spreading joy and love among all.”

In an undecided world
With an undecided fate
It isn't really rare
To see people lose their faith
It’s also not surprising
To see people help those maimed
Then get there help thrown back at
As if their the ones to blame
I guess that’s just a symptom
Of loosing faith in good
Because it tends to happen
When you never think it should
And I guess it's not your fault
For reasons well explained
That everything you try to do
Always gets put to shame
But you try to carry on your life
You try to preserver
But sometimes it's impossible
Because of all your fear
The ones you tend to call your
Have no idea what’s going on
Even though the problem
Has been happening all along
Your family that you consider close
Won’t even lend an ear
They say that you should tough it
Out and dominate your fear
But do they even realize that what
You’re going through
Is entirely different then when
They were kids
But you already knew
So alone you sit in your dark world
Hoping for a light
That can shine away the darkness
And make your world shine bright
Maybe one day far away
Someone will understand
That the ones that threw it back
Were the ones that need the hand

The author's comments:
I wrote this after the first day of school when I was put in classes with none of the few friends I have and instead put in classes with a bunch of loud cliques. I told my parents that I don't think I would be able to do well beacuse of it. They told me to make new friends but the thing is it's kind of hard to make friends with people who don't want to be your friend in return.

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