Falling Stars | Teen Ink

Falling Stars

August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Stars are falling down on my head
And I can’t fall asleep
Or go back to bed:
A place where I know I won’t be safe
Because of the nightmares,
The fights that haunt my dreams.

Stars are falling against my face
And I can’t fall asleep
Or go back to my rightful place:
There is nothing but unforgettable
Lies that can’t be conquered
Because of the lights that have rewired.

Stars are falling past my eyes
And I can’t fall asleep
Or go out to wait for the sun to rise:
Outside a fate awaits me,
Ready to strike my mind
That’s been isolated from the beginning of time.

Stars are falling,
Watch them land,
I can’t close my eyes just yet
Because you think I can.
Past my heart,
Past the stars
Lay a place where I know I’ll end up,
Ready for a new start.

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