Sweet Innocence | Teen Ink

Sweet Innocence

August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Beauty is but a sweet impression
Sweet impression
what does it mean?
sweet may refer to a cherry, chocolate
the sweet smell of a daisy
what about the sweet innocence of a child?
children are sweet
they smile sweetly, they love sweetly,
They are the apitamy of sweet
When is it that children lose their
sweet innocence?
Is it when they leave for college?
Is it when they get married?
Is it when they-
have their own children
maybe when they are laid to rest
Or do they
never lose their sweet innocence
I believe we all have our
sweet innocence
When you see an old man with a twinkle in his eye smile at you,
a woman with child with a smile ten miles wide, or a child laughing and eating an icecream cone
That is true beauty
That is the beauty of sweet innocence
and that is a sweet impression

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