Finally the demon comes out | Teen Ink

Finally the demon comes out

August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Bubble my flesh and drink it like wine as i try to pull away from my own errors that i hold inside;
But even with me pushing i won't be let out until i have made peace with such evil that has made a home inside me;
I can't help but compare my life to the free birds who can reach anything they dream.

The hate is finally coming out..

For some reason i plea with myself to find help when i know that I'll only push those away who try;
Sadly it has came to my attention that maybe i am truly the demon you see on the outside;
Some would say I'm a mellow type of guy but the truth is that behind these walls there is chaos begging to be let out.

Hate is a strong word...

But i grasp it in hand without a second thought believing i can crush all who face me until the bitter end;
I haven't smiled in months do to such grim facts but then again i haven't tried to live either;
Would you say i'm dead inside?

I would....

There use to be a young boy who could defend his joy even when the world itself turned gray;
I use to be the person with a smile that even the sun himself would envy but now even the stars won't look at me;
Sometimes i wish this all was a story....

So the agony would just end.

The author's comments:
The concept behind this poem that i wrote is off of the inner being of which i see inside me. The torment behind joy which was hidden to the world but displayed to my raw emotions that fuel so many troubles in life. Heh..sometimes its hard to just live because reality tends to go against our fairy tales.

Well hope you enjoy fellow poets of soceity.


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