Consistency | Teen Ink


August 17, 2008
By Anonymous


He says one thing, and does another.
Acts like one person, then changes the next hour.
Is a little consistency too much to ask for?
Girls are supposed to be the confusing ones,
Not guys.
Will it always be this way;
Do I pretend to be satisfied?

How can girls get a guy who cares,
Who loves her for who she is,
While I’m on the sidelines
Patching up some guy’s life
When he knows I don’t love him.

I thought I had left it all behind;
All that pretending and being taken advantage of.
I thought I had found a guy who
Was different from all the rest.

Did I push it too hard?
Is it all my fault?
Or was it the truth all along;
Am I destined to be another face in the crowd?

I won’t.
I can’t.
I’m stronger than that.
I’ve dealt with worse things than silly boys.
Been through more than that.
I can do this, even if it means starting over.

I’ve started over before;
It’s not my favorite, but okay.
Life’s not always fair.

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