An Impossible Search | Teen Ink

An Impossible Search

August 16, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm just another girl
Lost in an impossible world.
Searching for a meaning.
An impossible search.

A destiny is what I want,
Put down and question is what I get.
I'm on a goose hunt for nothing.
A destiny that doesn't exist?

I have friends and family,
But my questions go unanswered.
It's like we're all part of this great search.

A search for a future.
For an end to the madness.
The wars.
The killing.

But like paint,
It fades.
The search disappears
And we come to accept the unacceptable.

And we watch our world die.

But only the people who don't accept, can help.
Only those who don't believe it's final.
The world is full of them.
Find them.
Support them.

And change the world.
Change the ways
Start a new beginning.

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