Love and Faith | Teen Ink

Love and Faith

August 16, 2008
By Anonymous

What is this weird feeling inside
Is there something I'm trying to hide
Why does my stomach feel funny
Although everyday is bright and sunny

Why do I write his name in my head
And think about him before I lay in bed
Could be he the one, My Mr. Right
Pretending he's my pillow I squeeze tight

Am I making the right choice
I fall for him every time I hear his voice
He plays a huge role in my life
Dreaming one day I will be his wife

I love you with all my heart
Can't ever think about us being apart
I will comfort and be with you everyday
Caring about everything you have to say

Being there for you 24/7
Never leaving you side ever after heaven
You are the one that I adore
Always loving you forever and more

Does he feel the same way I do
I'm falling so deeply in love with you
How do I know he'll be happy with me
We'll have to let faith take its course and see

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