Wonderland | Teen Ink


August 16, 2008
By Darby Phillips BRONZE, Idyllwilld, California
Darby Phillips BRONZE, Idyllwilld, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shake me awake from this dream.
I scream.
The colors of your hate blending.
Everything bright combined,
is black.
Waiting for the tears of time,
the signs of a broken life,
to make their movie about me.

As the feather floats down, down down
from the crystal sky,
I see your stories in the distance.
And I wait for the floods of fire,
the hearse of love,
to make their movie about me.

Snowing, hailing, raining.
The glass of a broken vase.
The bend in the road blocking the end forever.
Mending your laughter,
and waiting for the veiled songs in all thoughts,
the diamond fruits of resolution,
to make their movie about me.

I wait.

Standing lone and lost and speaking
only what I say.
Looking for your unhinged focus.
The kryptonite in your valentine
sends my sun into the waves,
and I lose the board on which I rode your lies.

The lost look in your eyes.
And I lay my head in the clouds,
waiting for the rope of Neverland
to make their movie about me.

Into the silence.
Losing to tyranny.
Her schoolchildren lost.
And innocent words unspoken.
We leave this amity broken.
And we land right back where we began,
walking with Alice through Wonderland.

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This article has 1 comment.

IdyllChild said...
on Aug. 27 2008 at 7:04 pm
W-O-W Heather. I know I've heard this poem before, but I'll say it again. WOW. I'm just as entranced as the first time I heard it and I love it even more the second time! Maybe if I read it again, I'll love it even more. I'm going to vote for this poem every day and here's to hoping it gets on the top poems list! AMAZING!