Black Tears Fall | Teen Ink

Black Tears Fall

August 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Her head looks down as the tears fall.
Trembling hands lay upon her wrists.
Mascara running, the angel's call
Brings her to her knees, hands fists.

She stands, head still looking down.
All the years, her dream fulfilled,
Ears ringing, smile formed form frown.
All the dreams before were only killed

Finally, she looks through black tears
To see the one, the one she longed.
Saving her, everything is all clear
All is right, not at all wronged.

Her heaven awaits her, just above.
She wipes her tears, to find joy.
Also feeling not felt before, love,
Love for herself, not at all coy.

One more step, and the cuts are gone
Another, and she adores this life
Lastly she knows what must be done
Finally, she drops her knife...

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