Tracks | Teen Ink


August 15, 2008
By Anonymous

As the trees undress their leaves onto us we'll forget about the cold and be each others' only need for company

Our feet will become a canvas for the same artist that used the leaves as her palette, they're always as dark as your eyes

Mother Nature will save our beds made of dirt so we can lay in a peaceful bliss as we watch the trains go by

I won't need to hear your words to hear what you're saying, and you don't need to hear mine to know what I'm saying

It's time to clear our veins, wash our faces and disappear into all the burnt colors the day has to offer

Lets just hope the leaves aren't too loose and don't fall too fast, we'll lose our only disguise from the wrong thing and the right thing

We just need each other to be there for each other hoping no day soon any of this will end

The author's comments:
This poem is the first poem that I ever put any dedication into. It is inspired by the days my boyfriend and I have spent in the woods near train tracks by my house. I'm mainly posting it to get feedback about what it made you think of, not necessarily how good it sounds or flows, although that would be appreciated as well. Thanks for reading =)

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