Half Empty | Teen Ink

Half Empty

August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Dawn falls, Night breaks.
The sun disappears, while the moon emerges from its Hell.
Demons come from the darkest of corners, nightmarish in design, mad within.
No light to make them leave, no light to make them stay, only darkness to become the prey.
Death, daft, dark all around.
Thoughts arise, dark and evil in the head.
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers all dying.
The moon is now high in black abyss.
No escape, no way out, only through.
Demons emerging at my doorstep, knocking on the doors, windows and walls.
They don't come in, they never do, they only torment from beyond the barrier.
Gazing in, laughing, pointing, staring.
The moon is on the horizon, day is near.
The demons run in fear, doomed back into their Hell.
Night falls, Dawn breaks.

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