Smooth Forgotten | Teen Ink

Smooth Forgotten

August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

A life that is forgotten
Is to be redeemed
Everyone around is to be
Free so all in all life

Will always shine

To much sin is in the
Past to be forgotten and
Turned to trash, Thrown
Away like an ash but not
Thrown as far as a ships

Sunk at sea

The sea is a wave of
Life to be caught then thrown
To rise and fall from good
To bad but all in all were

On land

Land is uneven but has
Some plains to be built on
And not thrown away and to
Have life not dead so say it
With me the earth is glad

I may be glad but it's not

A sin to have a
Smooth Forgotten of life

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after I was having a bad time in school and I was thinking about how i used to be before I moved.

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