Witness Protection Program | Teen Ink

Witness Protection Program

August 15, 2008
By Anonymous

They see tears in my eyes
And they wonder why
I want to tell them what's wrong with me
But I don't want them to see what I see
Because what I saw was terrible
But for them I think it would be horrible
Because they didn't see it first hand
They didn't see the man hurt the other man
I saw the whole thing
How could you do that to a human being
When I started crying they heard me
They came after me
I had to get in the Witness Protection Program because of that
They told me to change me appearance so I wore a hat
My paast caught up with me
They tied me up so I couldn't get free
I was killed
With that my friends and family had to deal
Even if I was dead I know my spirit lived on
And through it all I still won
My spirit still lived in my daughter's heart
And I love that Part

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