high | Teen Ink


August 18, 2008
By Anonymous

He walks in...and walks out
thirty minutes later, he's walking in looking kinda funny.
Everything about him seems to change.
His voice,attitude even his look
his brain is COOKED.
Everything is moving so fast...its slow.
He clears his throat on a constant flow.
He keeps looking out the window....WHY?
Maybe its so we dont notice his high.
His mouth is always moving but is never open
it looks as if he is trying to savior the taste.
I can see it in his face.
He is lost in his thoughts or maybe there are no thoughts, maybe he is just lost.
Maybe its an escape from the boss.
Or i can just stick to reality and just call it an ADDICTION.
Does this put me in a bad position?
What im writing in this composition?
Or maybe he just wishes his life was a fiction?

The author's comments:
When this peice was written i was just making observations to an event that was occuring at the time. The last part "wishing his life was a ficiton" simple means he has regrets about maybe us "his kids" or the "boss" [his wife].

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