Unspoken Delimma | Teen Ink

Unspoken Delimma

August 4, 2008
By Anonymous

A solemn word was made once to a genuine soul
never shall she be a castaway
never should her Lothario part away from her
as if existence was never there
like the disappearance of Atlantis
how is this mystery be kept cryptic

As it silently reposes underside a ancestress womb
Undeclaring her contemporary dilemma
Just to forestall an unsought attachment
Favored by the Sire
As he prefered never to give thought of his consequences
His distaste of revenge blinded him
from her attempts of affection

Regretful remorse is gained,
more immense by the second
A conclusion shall be contrived
Which no guardian wishes to behold
Diminishing the creation which fixated there memoir
Not a word should be stated
For the wrath of the present sire's allegation
left his one time mistress
Returning the life that was given

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was basically my imagination.I have various pictures in my mind from evry and any spoken occurences and one of which the acts of a persons wrath seemed like an ideal subject in which i feel strongly opposed to.So i decided to express myself and realtive situation that i and a lot of people can connect to.

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