Look Up | Teen Ink

Look Up

March 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Look up
There she is

It’s diving into the ocean
Slipping my way through the water
Through the fish
Through the coral
Getting lost in the shadows
Only to

Look up
There she is

A beacon in the dark
A flashlight
Opening the cold hard grip
That is the unknown
Letting cracks of seraph horses
Race past the barrier
Separating two heavens
They chase through each atom
After a dream
That is the water
Painting a one color rainbow
Of gold
A chandelier of immense splendor
I swear the world stops
When such a blue sunset is visible

Look up
There she is

You can chase this light
But you’ll never reach the end
It’s a never ending desire
She’s a never ending desire
Yet with every day
Every smile
That the sun shines
She’s the ultimate source of light
To my world
The perfect part of my day

So how can you chase a sunset
That keeps moving
And never stops for you
Always paving the road
For someone else
But day in
Day out
She comes back
As I keep diving into the ocean
Slipping my way through the water
Through the fish
Through the coral
Getting lost in the shadows
Only to

Look up
There she is

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