Regrets | Teen Ink


August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

I know it is said that
We shouldn’t have regrets.
We would have never learned a lesson
From the experience we blundered
To keep a more important, bigger
Experience from being blundered in the future.
Well, my thoughts are guilty of
Having proclivities to wishing
I could backtrack months and do it
All over.
In the new me.
The Carefree.
But if I was truly carefree,
Then I suppose I wouldn’t
Need to re-validate my actions.
I just can’t take the perceptions
Other people have of me
Being distorted because
My actions were controlled
With a limited, naive view.
If I could do it over!
I know I could win over
The hearts and minds of those
That were turned away
By my blunder-filled actions,
And untimely comments,
And over-analytical mind.
I know, I know
No point in having regrets.
Pick up.
Move on.
Cut your losses and accept that
Some won’t view you in the best light always.
But have faith that
The regret functions like a spring.
At first pulling you down,
But only to release you to great,
Unthinkable heights.
So regrets?
I only have new opportunities for
And new chances
To propel myself
Among the stars,
Transcending the levels
Of What ifs.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem about regrets after looking back on all of my mistakes of junior year that caused me to come off differently to different people. I decided, after learning from my mistakes, that senior year would be different.

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